Against Covid-19

A3 - After-school activities, teaching support and preparatory activities for schooling. 
For children of school age, the activities concern the after-school service and teaching support, with attention to that conducted remotely by computer; for children of pre-school age, we carry out preparatory activities for schooling: development of manual skills and mobility skills, listening and attention education.
It is provided the use of: - teaching material, stationery and support for pre-school activities (felt-tip pens, tempera, pens, coloured sheets, notebooks, pencils, etc ...); - Montessori educational games that stimulate creativity; - disinfectants, detergents and sanitary devices to comply with the provisions of the Romanian government regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.

A4 – Recreational activities and non-formal education.
Games, sports, activities to stimulate creativity for the development of new skills, awareness and promotion of the sense of responsibility, socialization activities and development of individual autonomy. 
We organize sports activities, cooperative games, socialization activities for children with different situations (eg. activities involving children with disabilities together with their peers, in order to promote inclusion and integration between peers).


                                          Thanks to Banca Intesa San Paolo and IBO Italia

It is a way to deal with the indirect and equally devastating effects of the pandemic. 
Difficulty in accessing education.
Difficulty in finding even those occasional jobs, which many families rely on.
Growth of social exclusion.
High risk from exposure to contagion.