Together with associations in other areas of Romania, we participate in a project financed by Intesa San Paolo Bank, with the following objectives.
A1 - Information and awareness activities for the prevention of contagion from covid-19, awareness of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle.
With the support of experts from the socio-health sector, we organize information sessions for children and families on the aspects for the prevention of COVID contagion. In particular: - personal hygiene and correct use of sanitary material, masks, gloves and visors; - individual and collective protection measures; - methods of transmission and virus infection; - recognition of symptoms; - promotion of a healthy lifestyle, suitable nutrition, personal hygiene practices and physical activity.
Children acquire information through interactive activities and games.
In the activity places people use soaps and other cleaning materials that are also distributed to families.
A2 - Support the nutrition of minors at risk and families.
Most of the project beneficiaries have nutritional deficiencies or negative eating habits. Therefore, there is a need to provide for the primary need for a healthy diet for children. Very often, the meal provided is the only one that children have in their day.
Meals come from external catering or from food packages and a snack. All meals are balanced and comply with industry regulations. We distribute periodically foodstuffs (in particular milk, pasta and biscuits) and items for personal, household and clothing cleaning to families.